Center for Workforce & Professional Education
Approximately 55% of Vermont homes have on-site wastewater treatment systems (often called septic systems), the highest of any state in the U.S. These on-site (decentralized) systems provide treatment for wastewater from a home or business, eventually returning clean water to groundwater.
The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division (DWGPD) issues water/wastewater permits for soil-based systems, potable water supplies (water supplies that are not public water supplies), municipal water and sewer connections, administers the Licensed Designer program; and review innovative and alternative systems for potential use in the state.
In partnership and alignment with DWGPD, Vermont State University Randolph (VTSU) provides state-approved training for on-site wastewater treatment systems.
Trainings include:
- Continuing education (CE) for licensed designers;
- Preparation workshop for the Class A Written Exam;
- Preparation workshop for the Class A Soils Exam;
- Preparation workshop for the Class B Exam;
- Preparation workshop for Class BW Exam;
- Certification workshops for Innovative/Alternative Providers;
- Certification workshops for Contractors/Installers of Septic Systems
Explore our training options now!
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