Timber Stand Improvement and Forest Management Trainings
Engage your interests to:
- conserve and sustainably manage our forests
- receive wages as you learn
- determine future outcomes in our forests
While learning about:
- soil, carbon sequestration, and water quality
- wildlife habitat
- quality crop trees
- biodiversity and structural diversity
You will be part of a highly-trained workforce to accomplish forest tending management activities and support the forest products industry. Become a skilled Timber Stand Improvement Forest Technician. (*required is GOL levels 1-3).
Apply to be a part of the VYCC Forestry Crews
Forestry Professional Pathways
Interested in studying forestry at the college level? Take your VYCC experience and credits to Vermont Tech for an associate in applied science in Forestry with a bridge program to UVM to receive a bachelor of science in Forestry or related environmental field. You can also use our training to gain immediate access to employers and return to a degree program at a later time.
Curriculum developed in collaboration with the University of New Hampshire and the University of Vermont.
Registration Info
Please contact:
Molly Willard
Project Manager
molly.willard@vtc.edu -