Do you face persistent challenges in your greenhouse with powdery mildew? Thrips? Aphids? Root pathogens? Are you interested in using biological control but unsure how to integrate materials into your existing routine? Are you already using biologicals but unsure how to measure their effectiveness? Do you need to apply pesticides safely and effectively? Are you propogating CBD hemp plants?
This Greenhouse IPM certificate course will give participants the tools they need to develop their own Integrated Pest Management plan. Through case studies and hands-on activities, this course will explore the cornerstones of a good IPM program: sanitation, cultural management, record keeping, scouting, pest/disease ID and sustainable control measures. Emphasis will be placed on effective diagnosis and biological controls using live examples of pests, diseases and beneficial insects. Best management practices that support IPM will be highlighted culminating in an IPM plan development workshop that responds to participant’s unique growing environments and challenges.
Registration Info
If you’d like to be added to the mailing list for when this course becomes available, please email Molly Willard.